Thursday, January 31, 2013

30 January 2013:

Hello choir! It's ANTHEA here.

Okay so today we had a choir briefing. Hopefully everyone's clear on expectations and requirements, yea? You should also know the proper procedures if you need to be excused from practice by now. If you  got lost/ are still kinduv confused about things, do check the choir booklet that was printed for you.

There's also some information on rehearsal etiquette etc that you should at the very least skim through. Remember to bring it for every practice! Someone's already left theirs in the chapel today - if it's you, get it from Ankita. Label your booklets and don't lose them please.

Also remember A4:
[in order of importance]


So today we had a mini-workshop on how rehearsals work, and then put all the things we learnt into practice when we actually, uh, practiced. Our music, that is. We worked on the last 2 pages or so of the set piece, and cleaned up the consonants on, "Looking to that place, moving to a greater stage."

We need to remember to have crisp consonants, especially on the downbeats, so it should sound like "Looking to that place, moving to a greater stage." Also, put the 's' right before 'moving' so it sounds like Smoving to a greater staaaaaage. Also please remember when to do ending consonants, and the work we did on the dynamics - if unsure, check with your seniors/SLs!! It's important!!

Emphasis should be on moving lines, and when we sing in unison it's important that we're VERY TOGETHER. Like, MORE TOGETHERER. As in. Making a conscious effort to match with other parts and listening to them!

Things for you to do/remember!

- google IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)
- begin to internalise and memorise the set piece
- when pushing the pews back into place, please take note that there are markers on the floor for the pews to be aligned to.
- practice on the 13th Feb (Wednesday after CNY) is cancelled as it is an official school holiday.
- because we had such a productive rehearsal today, tomorrow's sectionals are cancelled!! woohoo!!!

As Mr Tay said, sectionals will only be held when they're necessary, and there is something that needs to be worked on. Today's rehearsal was a good one, and I really hope we keep this up, and improve!

Good job!
